Saturday, January 15, 2011

mak aih!

*cough cough* sawang dimana-mana!
last post ak ak rase ..... july 2010????
4 words. what tha hell? lame cenggituh?
eiiii.. tu la dok men dota lg. sape sruh?

(hensem x?)

ak rase xde katian sgt kot. tenet kat sini yg x best
thx to da maxis line yg cipuuut je dpt kat sini
not to forget mistah begukbeng yg slalu dc dc dc dc.

huuu... agak frust r ngan result first sem ak.
sgt low n x leh dibawak fly lg. fly 35. ak 30 jek
gile sdey... yang x thn nyer ramai pelik.
ak rase xde bnde nk pelik kot. ak da give the best
tp xde rezeki kan?

huk huk... seems so faaar away

skrg ak da boleh dikire ade kerjaya...
br officially jd ko-opers KMB.. 
mase pelantikan tuu ak x tau nape tp mase name ak kne panggil tuk di introduced,
 sume dok melalak x tntu pasal. oi oi. ak ne hot dowh nk wat cmtu. gile malu.
tp alhamdulillah la. pas interbiu... percubaan 1 bln... dpt la jge jd ko-opers

ugh nk babble pe lg di ujung mggu nih....
lpe lpe lpe. to admins we are 1992,
idup2kan la belog kami 1992 okeh?
naaaaak tgk belog to cherish se-cherish cherish nye.
jgn jd cam ak. daaaa bersawang, kayu reput, habuk (mcm2 lagi la)
baruuuu nk lawat. sooo all the best ya?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

an unexpected visit~~

Guess what, tadi ade manusia yg familiar dtg KMB
veeery familiar to those who is an ex-maresmartian..
yep. no other than baihaqi azali a.k.a skeleton..

dye dtg anta akak n member dye kat kmb aje nk jmpe cikgu-cikgu yang ada
kakak dye got admitted to cardiff with the score of 38. reaally impressive

asalnyer dye ngan mat nor je tp dh nmpk dye lepak skali la.
little by little lagi ramai la yg datang cam qaiyim, alip n so on.
dak pompuan juz say hi to him n balik. malu maybe. wakakakaka
we talked a lot, laugh a lot especially when k-own datang...

anyway, bai, klu ko free dtg ler lg!

(bai n the crew)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

sori wahai incik blog~~

Mmg agak lame ak sisihkan incik blog ak nih~~
busy. maklumla~~ assignment sane assignment sini~~
ni pon ak ade 3 lab report lagi nk kne siapkan~~ 1 anta besok~~

a lot of things happened when i was away. Entered KMB, orientation, classes, yada yada yada~~
i guess my life changed for the better i guess. no more slacking around~~ (but weekend yeah)
getting along with more types of peoples~~ trying to accept more responsibilities~~
geez. a bit dull here.

ni roomate ak. name dye nasree. tp org panggil dye lim~~
dye ensem (ak diugut!! hehe)

ble lame sgt x jenguk, byk yg nk diciterkan tp x tawu mane satu yg ni citerkan
sooo... i'll try to update frequently as much as I can

masa pun mencemburui ak (ayat skema)
mau pigi mandi, solat makan, n siapkan lab report yg tertangguh agak lame... hua3~~


Sunday, May 9, 2010

To my fellow skype conference members~~

Tuk kengkawan skype conference yg daftar tuk matrik dlm lbey kurg... 5 jam lagi (skrg kul 3)

Mohd Fahmi Nizam
fahmi (matrik labuan)

1. ko x abes2 gamatkan conference tiap2 mlm
2. jadi dj (nama x rasmi) tuk conference
3. dey, mulut lu r... celupar.. tp lawak

Syazwi Asli
awi@boss (matrik labuan)

1. ko ske taip dr cakap ble angkat call....
2. ko ngan fahmi seangkatan... mulut.....
3. scandal ko ngan ckin x abes2 lagi..
4. ko wat ckin nangis pas ko last ym ngan dye F.Y.I

hilzaiti@zaiti (matrik penang)

1. asal angkat call mmg ko kecoh
2. ske cakap pasal kakak ko yg hebat
3. ko ske sgt on lmbt2... haih....
4. sarcasm anda sgt pedas~~~

Sabrena Crayon

sabrena@ena (matrik perlis)

1. ko angkat call tp x mau ckp (syg sore la katekan)
2. ak agak sdey ko last on ak x smpt ckp byk~~

sam (matrik labuan)
(thx sya!)

1. ayat2 ko slalu org ikot cth: ABC (Always Be Cool)
2. bley plak scandal ngan zaiti last2 minit~~

other brethren:

cik shadiya (matrik gambang)

Nordin Aga

nordin aga@aga (matrik labuan)

Mmg best chat ngan korg, xde sape kasi spoil fun.
time farewell sume sdey. ak pon rase bond kte dah kuat sgt.
ak wakil geng confe yg x gi matrik wish gudluck kat korg n jgn lpe kitorg kat sini!

"we maybe far apart but our hearts remain connected"

Monday, May 3, 2010

its quite a while now~~

Dah lame sgt x dtg cnie~~
its 4 in the morning when im writng this
while hearing to chop suey, toxicity
(seriously i dunno why i picked those songs)

anyway, many of spm leavers is excited about going
to matrix, university, abroad
(yes abroad. some are currently undergoing foundation already)
and yada yada yada.

as for me~~ for matrix~~ i got Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis
and UiTM Kuala Pilah for diploma in microbiology.
Common question that was asked to me is..
"Nape x pegi matrik? Bkn ko pandai ke?"
and the answer is...
"uh... matrik nk kene strive gegile.. rajin satu hal. ak ni jnis malas sket"
got it memorized? (thx for axel for the quote)

not to mention for the interview results....
from my trusted intels, (wow. i even have intels.. kidding...)
both mara and jpa results will be out around 3rd week of may
even some of us already started countdown for the 'awaited event'

oh, i almost forget. many thanks to my friends that have been attending
'we are 1992' and 'republic of 92's' daily night skype conference.
to shahamin@masasa, study hard for your foundation to....
(is it jordan or egypt? haha i cant remember)

i end my sudden-awake-blabbering with all the best to all of us
and success in everything we do~~~

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Huhu~~ tkar character la plak....

Aiseh~ kene tkar character la plak....
dlu pakai kamen rider decade...
skrg dh decide nk tkar plak pas de msg yg smpai....
bunyinye cmni... "asal amek decade ak lak nih... ko kuuga dah la..."
sng citer kaki2 kamen rider kat tepeng dpt rider yg diorg nk masing2....
aku dapat Kuuga sbb xde org nk amek although rider ngan form yg mmg byk...

pas carik mane yg best..
bru la ak dpt ilham pas ak browse blk lagu2 anime2 ak....
ni la Blood+ !!!

nmpk je cm x padan...
tp bg ak ni la fearsome and romantic duo...
Saya and hachi.

pas lame x update blog nih, meh la nk ulas sket...

citer ni pasal vampire yg hilang ingatan pas perang kat vietnam...
name vampire ni Saya.. (yg pompuan tu..)
idop dye as anak angkat dlm family Otonashi aman je...
ni gambar familynyer....

(clockwise from right: Saya, Riku(bongsu), Kai(sulung) dan bapaknyer...( lpe lak name... eheh))
sampai ada satu malam Saya kne serang dengan makhlk yg dipanggil Chioprteran
pada masa yang sama, Hachi dtg nk bangkitkan balik vampire-self yg dh lame terpendam...

lepas beberapa kemudian, br dpt tahu yg hantar chiropterans ni sume angkara kakak Saya..
namenye Diva... (Saya Diva?? haha.. Kakak kandung ye??)

rgtrju by zanessafan4lf.
(Diva is on the right one...)

Angkara insiden Riku dan bapaknye terbunuh sbb nk lindungi dye,
Saya tekad nak bunuh Diva...

Anime ni ade 1 season je, total episode 50..
sape yang suke tgk bloody battles, bleh la tgk ni. mmg byk....

catchphrase untuk anime: nankurunaisa
maksud dye korg leh tgk kat header blog ye?

opening ngan ending dye ak ade add kat mixpod ak...
(mntk maaf sbb ak amek final op ngan ed...)
(OP: raion.... ED:Brand New Map)

nk tlis ape lagi ye? dh lmbt tul...
sok keje, x sdr diri tul...

ok la. mntk dri dlu...
igt! nankurunaisa!!

(dicoret dari:11.45 p.m.-12.05a.m.)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pasal Facebook (fb) lak....

Kalau ada internet, mesti kita x lari dr social site kan?
skarang yg tgh terngiang-ngiang kat telinga mesti myspace, friendster not to mention facebook..
speaking of facebook, apa yang ada kat dye?
actually, yg ramai tertarik coz dye simple. xde nk susah2 maen layout2 ni...
lagi sati bcoz of its applications... (prefer to call apps ^^)

Most of facebook users mesti...
no. semua! mesti banyak pakai apps yg berupa game kan?
contoh plg common farmville...
cafe world ke?
yg veteran biasanya byk main mafia wars...

(this is cafe world..)

(sape x knl yang ni??)

yep and ade byk lagi yg boleh cari...
seriously. facebook is astounding coz bleh tarik ramai untuk guna
lelagi, its not that crappy and boring coz u have sumthing to do...

not to mention ade interview yg kasi beberapa reply...
"fb ni best coz byk game!"
"thx to fb dat i met my long long fren..."
"fb's a place to hang out!!"

yep. dats their opinion...
punye la nk dkt ngan rakyat, even pm kte ade page fb dye...
1Malaysia pon ade.....

the problem now is.... ade sesetengah pihak dah salah guna kebebasan yg diberi...

(thx hatiqah for da matrial... although amek x kasi tau....)

mmg la negara kte ade kebebasan bersuara... tp ni dh bercanggah ngan perlembagaan ni...
sdap2 mulut je ckp camtu....
these 2 person deserves some spanking... (memaen je)
apepon, diorg mmg patot diambil tindakan undang2 yg sepatutnye....

klu nk tau, industri pepaperan (ape ni??) or newspaper pon dh mle look into fb nk cari cerita...
lagi2 metro... mmg byk kat fb kuar kat paper tu....
i hate fasha la, i hate memey la... sume kuar...

to fb users (any place in internet la sng citer! even blogs...), skrg kne pandai2 jaga mulut sbb klu ade slh ckp pasal malaysia ke, kerajaan ke,
boleh bwk mhkamah ats kesalahan bwh akta hasutan ngan multimedia....

woot~~ dats all from me...
coretan semasa cuti keje.....

"off to the next world!!"