Saturday, February 6, 2010

Does this phenomenon hurts??

GAH!! Memane pergi mesti ade yg sorg2..
the question is:
berjalan seorang diri untuk berjumpa rakannya kemudian?
baru shj berjumpa rakannya?
adakah org tu disisihkan/x dipedulikan?

apa yg nk diperkatakan disini adalah 'kegiatan' penyisihan....

mmg kte kata : "biasalah tu!"
ada pulak...: "lantaklah... x yah amek tau lg bgos"
x ckup lagi: "pegi matila!"

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(sabar ye cik....)

cbe korg tgk gmbr ni. pe korg rase?
despair of course....
bagi sesiapa yg tgh bace ni, plz jgn terasa
im generalizing my ideas only...

rly. nape prlu ade sisih-menyisih ni?
terasa diri hebat? or lbih suka lepak dlm 'clan' sndiri?
or ade sumthing yg korg x ske pasal sumone tu?

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'duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggi'
kita slalu sgt dengar pepatah ni..
tapi setakat faham makna, tp x hayati.

apa gunanya belajar tinggi2 tapi berfikir secara waras pun susah?

hey, this isnt ur own world.
its for us to share.
learn to share and not to be selfish and ignorant.
thats what type of person the world needs.
creating a stable community is our duty.
not a person, but all of us.

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(pak cik ni mesti hepi dpt berite drpd org yg dye ambil berat)
(smile to the camera!!)

akhir kata, ya betul, mmg kte ade dipisahkan mengikut kedudukan,
warna kulit, bangsa, dan lain2 lagi.
plz remember, break the barriers in our heart.
dinding tu akan menyusahkan lagi kalau kte tak robohkan serta merta..

its ald late and i have to go to work 2mrw...
c you guys later.

"off to destroy the next world!!"

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